1. football(英式) [ˈfʊt.bɔl] 美式[ˈfɔt.bɔl]2. futsal [ˈfuːtsəl]3. soccer [ˈsɒkər]4. football field [ˌfʊt.bɔl ˈfiːld]5. football player [ˌfʊt.bɔl ˈpleɪjər]...
football 的英文翻译有很多种,如"football"、"soccer"、American Football 等。在这里我们主要说的是 "soccer"。因此,以下内容都是关于"足球运动"的表达式。 英文中用来描述足球运动的词语多种多样,但是其中最常见且使用率最高的就是 "soccer"。根...
In the world of sports, there is no game that requires more teamwork and strategy than football. A game where 22 players on each team work together to...
When it comes to the sport of football, many people think that all there is to it is kicking a ball around and scoring goals. But for those who have p...
Football is a popular sport around the world, and learning to communicate in English can be an essential part of being a football player or fan. In th...
In the world of sports, there is no game that requires as much strategy and skill as football. This popular team sport has been enjoyed by millions of...
In the world of sports, football is a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers. Whether you''re in Europe, South America, A...
英语 football 是指在英语国家使用的足球术语,包括比赛、规则、技术等相关内容。随着国际足坛的日益全球化,英语 football 对于外国球迷来说是一个重要的语言工具。如何读懂英语 football?首先,你需要了解基本的足球知识,如场上不同位置的名称(如守门员 Goalkeeper、前锋 F...